Every day, we need to re-create to maintain and improve our health and well-being.
It’s no accident that the word re-create resembles the word recreation. But what’s happened to our times of recreation? They seem to have been squeezed out by ‘work’ as though they’re no longer necessary in a culture focused on productivity.
When did you last hear the word ‘hobby’ and when were you last asked about your hobbies? If we’re too busy for hobbies now and don’t value our times of recreation, it’s no wonder the nation’s mental health is suffering. Even those who’ve retired, having worked hard all their lives, speak of the guilt they experience when they’re not busy! We’ve become busy-bodies but our bodies can’t handle it, because we weren’t designed that way.
We’re human beings not human doings. We were created for rest not just work. If top athletes incorporate rest into their training, how much more should we. Busyness = productivity = success does not necessarily follow and is not a healthy way to live our lives.
List the things you enjoy & help you switch of from work.
“Change takes time.”